
Hatha Yoga

All physical yoga is Hatha yoga (pronounced HA- TA)

Often described as ‘the yoga of violent effort’, Hatha yoga is one of the paths of yoga.

Described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika (Light on Hatha Yoga), it involves pranayama (breath control), asana (yoga postures), concentration, and cleansing practices to prepare the body and mind for the ‘higher’ practices of meditation. Suitable for all levels, it is a wonderful practice to balance body, mind and soul.

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is known as the ‘quiet practice’. It is a fairly ‘new’ style of yoga, that involves moving into poses softly, and holding them for between 3 to 5 minutes. Mostly floor-based, yin utilises yoga props to help to support the body throughout. Utilising the three ‘tattva’s’ (principles), softness, stillness, and steadiness, this style of practice is very grounding, and helps to create space within the skeleton, as well as the mind.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga

Vinyasa is a wonderfully creative flow-like style of yoga. Vinyasa Krama means ‘to place in a special or thoughtful’ way. It involves moving through ever-evolving creative sequences using the breath, to create heat. It is an amazing practice to build both strength and flexibility in the body. Often peppered with stories and philosophy, it is an addictive style of yoga. Not suitable for beginners.

Yoga for Flexibility & Mobility

I have designed this class to help to increase mobility through the joints of the body, whilst also increasing the flexibility of the muscles. Always working with strength as well mindfulness, this class helps to keep the joints of the body in full working order, regardless of age! Suitable for all levels.

Core Strength Yoga

This is class for those who like heat (generated internally, not externally!) and a bit of hard work! The ‘core’ is so much more than the rectus abdominus (the 6 pack/mirror muscles), it encompasses the whole torso, and the hips flexors. Using specially designed postures and sequences, this class strengthens the whole body, and mind. Lots of modifications and props on offer, so suitable for all levels.

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